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Bring the mothers home…

    It’s Friday afternoon, and while I know I’ll probably reach you while you’re out and about doing the many things us moms do, I had to make sure I got this email sent off right away.

    This morning, as I contemplated how best to fulfill my mission in life…

    This phrase formed in my mind:

    Bring the mothers home.

    “Bring the mothers home?” I asked myself. “What does that mean?”

    As I went about my errands this morning (taking my son to therapy, grocery shopping for the week with my daughter, stopping at a nearby park to let them slide to their hearts’ content, and prepping all our food for the week…)

    I couldn’t shake this phrase from my head. I pondered on it all morning, and to be honest, I was a bit distracted in my own motherly duties as thoughts came rushing in.

    I’d like to share my thoughts with you on what this phrase means to me, and when you finish reading, would you please write back and share YOUR thoughts about it as well?

    I really want to know what you think.

    So what does “Bring the mothers home” mean to me?

    I believe I have a distinct purpose here on earth, only one that I can fulfill.

    My mission in life extends beyond my role as a wife and mother.

    With my unique knowledge and experience, I am distinctly qualified to share my talents with others who need help.

    I do believe that I have been blessed with a one-of-a-kind gift…

    Not only to have found a business that allowed me to stay home with my children…

    But also the talents to be able to share that knowledge with so many other women who know nothing about this preschool option.

    At times, I find myself wanting to simply retreat into my “comfort bubble…” and relax in my close circle with my husband and children and just fulfill those duties there.

    But then, I read back on some of the thousands of emails I have received from moms everywhere:

    Trying to get a handle on life…

    Reaching out for relief…

    Seeking a light in the darkness they hope is real…

    And I know that my mission is not to “go gentle into the night” and let my knowledge stay inside me.

    Rather, I must “rage against the dying of the light” to share a message of hope, of truth, and of light.

    A message that only I can share…

    A message that reminds mothers:

    They do not have to join the workforce and climb the soul-sucking corporate ladder…

    They do not have to join the district and be bogged down with endless meetings and paperwork…

    They do not have to start daycares and work tirelessly every waking hour…

    But that there is another option…

    That mothers have a place in their home, and that place is theirs to keep.

    Yes, we live in a world of material possessions, lofty aspirations, and bulging calendars.

    I know that too often, I am guilty of over scheduling my family… of not slowing down…

    But when is enough, enough?

    When will we put our foot down and say that being home, spending quality time with our families, is more important than the “next big thing”?

    Even better yet… why can’t the quality time we spend with our children provide our income?

    Mothers are overworked, underpaid, and rarely thanked for the work they do, day in, day out.

    As a stay-at-home mom, I’ve played the role of dutiful wife and mother: running the household, managing the budget, and educating my children… and sometimes feeling unfulfilled..

    As a single mom, I’ve played the role of a full-time breadwinner: juggling the responsibilities of providing for my family and raising my children… and sometimes feeling overwhelmed.

    As a business owner, I’ve played the role of superwoman: dashing here and there to put out fires and keep all my plates “spinning” without crashing down… and sometimes feeling anxious.

    And as a leader, I’ve played the role of a hero: inspiring here, guiding there, always mentoring…and sometimes feeling inadequate.

    These are just a few of my responsibilities, and if I know anything about women…

    It’s that we shoulder the weight of massive responsibility.

    At times we do it gracefully.

    And at times we fall flat on our face.

    But we always get back up.

    Because we are women…





    And we each have a mission that we were put here on earth to fulfill.

    My mission in life?

    Bring the mothers home.

    What’s yours?

    Yours in motherhood,

    P.S. I know this is a long post, so if you’re still reading this, THANK YOU. This message has literally not left my mind all morning, and I am so grateful for your willingness to let me share it with you today.

    P.P.S. I would love to know your thoughts. Be sure to comment below!